


I have just finished doing a projectile to the player, in our case the giraffe. The projectile fires from the antlers of the giraff and works almost perfectly of what I estimated it would be, and look like.

After I was done with that I started doing a power-up which was kind of hard to do when it comes to my programming experience. I started by doing pick up files because we needed something to control everything that you can pick up, which is only the power ups in this game. But by doing this it becomes easier to control it. I have not yet finished this function because of other programming assignments that we have got back, so everything is piled together, 40% of the function is done so far.

I got stuck when I wanted to do a collision with the power up and the player, and the problem was that we did not have a collision manager, because of our assignment easy programmer took. So the the collision manager assignment was given to my other team member. This was finished eventually and he could give me what I needed to continue, so now I am on the stage of figuring everything out on how I can continue and how exactly the collision manager works, because he did something named shape. Which basically tests the collision in a box, where you decide what points to go from. You have 4 points you have to decide on how big your collision is going to be.

My first power up will be a laser, it will work as a long projectile that you fire just as the normal projectile. If the enemy get struck by a normal projectile it takes a specifik percentage of damage in health. For example if the enemy get hit by a normal projectile the health from 100% goes down to 60%, but if you get a laser power up and hits a enemy you might take its health down to 30% instead of only 60%.

Also if you fire when the laser projectile is active you can hit more than only one enemy at the, if they are lined up in a row in front of you.

The game will have a total of 3 power ups, the first as I explained earlier(Laser), the second one is a power up which works like a shotgun, the projectile is divided in different parts. The third one is rainbow bomb which will clear the entire screen of enemies and asteroids.

That was basically everything I did.