

Group 9 : Flight of the Giraffa

Last post I tried doing the power ups for the player, which was the laser projectile and a power up that is not very often spawned upon destroying an meteor. But if the player succeeds of destroying an meteor and the power up spawns, the player will see a shiny and lovely rainbow meteor that flies at the same speed as the meteor. Upon destroying this rainbow meteor it will instantly create a circle wave that clears the whole screen of enemies. I actually succeeded very well by my surprise. This was done before we actually had merge all our code together and changed our render system. Two of us programmers coded in an old version of the project, meanwhile the programming leader worked on creating a new render file. The render file is the file that takes care of the textures of the pictures and so on. The problem of the old version was because we used an library of OpenGL(Open Graphics Library). Why this was an problem that needed to be fixed was because we had to work with the original SFML(Simple and fast Multimedia Library), that was introduced in the start of game programming 2.


When our lead programmer was finished with this their was a lot of changes that had to be done with the previous code of ours. This was heartbreaking in the way where I had to mostly scrap all the power ups I have been doing for the past 3 weeks or so. But this is something that is really common and nothing you should stop for.

The problem with the new code was that I had no idé how to work with that code. I had just gotten a grip of the old code and could finally understand it. It took some time to get a grip of the new version. My mission was to create a new power up for laser and meteor but was strangely some problems that I could not fix. So I jumped on something else instead which lead me to making a menu for the game!

I started making the menu three days before the beta needed to be shown. Everything went perfect, the time limit was a bit stressing but I could manage. I had some help from some friends in order to make an basic menu. It had the option of quit the game, options, credits, high score and level menu. The options is yet to be worked on to be 100% complete and so on. You could say I need to make some polishing.