

The last weeks blogg post I explained the set backs that occurred upon using OpenGL and not the SGML’s standard. It was a major problem that we had that needed to be brought up and explained so others could understand what happened. The last thing I said was that I started making a menu, awfully defused unfortunate. But will be more explained and processed in this post.

So I started doing a menu where you can choose between, (going back to level select, credits, options and quit game). All of these had to be different states of course. A state is like a page of an book, the first state is the first page of that game to view. And as in a book, you can always go back to the previous page. In the menu where you can choose to go to these states I had to be able to click on the text, like a button. Luckily one of your programmers had done a function for buttons. So I could easily connect each texture to the button function so it could be clicked on. To make it more clear that you can push it when you hold the mouse over it we made the size to enlarge a little bit. This made the player realize that it is a button and you actually can push it. This made a great impact into the game.

These two pictures are a demonstration of the button enlarging when you hold over it. The left one is smaller because you are not holding over it, when the right one is holding over it and it enlarges. You can see that the cross-hair is smaller in the left one than the right one.

When you get into the option state you can adjust the music and sfx volume to either lower or higher.  It took some time to actually get a new function that is not a button but an object you can move right and left, luckily I had some help and guidance along it. For those who do not know what the “sfx volume” stands for, it is the volume of all the effects. For example when a enemy dies it may scream, that is sfx sounds.

Apart from those states, I made a (exit, start) state. The start when it introducing the game with our logo and “press any key to start the game” below to continue to the game. The exit is shown for around 2 seconds that show the credits of the people who made the game before everything is closed.

That is all I have done till now!